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EU demo on ICZM: Coastlink Storstrøm

Type of Entry: Case Study
Website: http://www.stam.dk/

Storstrøm County is part of the Southern Danish Archipelago, a region of saltmarsh, shallow water, traditional habitats, small fishing harbours, sailing ports, abundant wildlife, green tourism and organic agriculture. Tourism, particularly in the low season, is seen as the key to the region's future prosperity, helping to compensate for declining employment in fishing, agriculture, industry and - to some extent - shipping. But how can tourism be increased in sufficient quantity without destroying the very attractions that make the archipelago unique? And how can the demands of tourists be reconciled with the often different demands of local residents?

Development Perspectives for the Southern Danish Archipelago, written in 1995 as the result of cooperation between Storstrøm County and Fyns County, concludes that only sustainable tourism should be encouraged. For the coastal zone, which really approximates to the whole region, this means that all new tourist developments will be subject to a rigorous sustainability assessment before planning permission is granted. A series of participative exercises, based on the approach of Local Agenda 21, is proposed to encourage coastal communities to support and take responsibility for the process.

Keywords: Agenda 21, Participative approach, Saltmarsh
Coastal Guide ICZM Information System (13.636 Bytes)
Contact: Ms Kitty Sommer
Storstrøm Amt Department of Technology and the Environment
Parkvej 37
4800 Nykøbing F
Telephone: +45-54-823232
Fax: +45-54-855684
E-Mail: kis@npk.stam.dk
Website: http://www.stam.dk/
Financed by: TERRA network no.13 COASTLINK