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EU Demo on ICZM: Territorial coordination scheme for the harbour system and coast of the Gulf of Naples - "Posidonia" - Barcelona

Type of Entry: Case Study

The city of Barcelona's top priority in taking part in the "Posidonia" project is to facilitate the transfer of the knowledge acquired through the experience of managing the coastline and the old port of Barcelona and to enable discussion within the project group on the difficulties of town planning methods. The work to be carried out can be summarised as follows:

  • Systematic circulation of the available information (completed and ongoing projects, town planning methods, partnerships, role of the various public services, public and private investments).
  • Graphic location of the project sites on the coast of the Barcelona metropolitan area and relation with the town plans (1976 General Plan of the Metropolis and specific development plans).
  • Participation in the comparative analysis of the planning strategies of the five partner cities.
  • Participation in the drafting of the final document containing the recommendations and guidelines for the European programmes covering this part of the Mediterranean coastline.
  • Organisation of visits to Barcelona by the project group.
Keywords: Information, Spatial planning, Stakeholders and public participation
Coastal Guide ICZM Information System (10.628 Bytes)
Contact: Mr Amador Ferrer
Ajuntament de Barcelona, Town Planning Studies Bureau
Avda. Diagonal, 240, 4pl.
08018 Barcelona
Telephone: +34-93-291 4585
Fax: +34-93-291 4492
E-Mail: ferrera@mail.bcn.es
Financed by: European Union (EU) TERRA Programme / Posidonia n°55/Barcelona