Coastal Projects and Case Studies

The database contains world-wide applied coastal (and marine) projects and regional case studies. To search in the database you can enter a term into the search field or sort the content by clicking on table titles (data, name or country etc.). Many users ensure the success of the databases. Therefore, we like to ask you to enter information about your projects and case studies to the databases as well.

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Nr. Acronym  Title Sorted descending Duration Sorted descending Last Update 
121 SPICOSA Pertuis Charentais Site, Atlantic, France 2007-2011 22/09/09
122 SPICOSA Gulf of Riga 2007-2011 22/09/09
123 SPICOSA The Clyde Sea, Scotland 2007-2011 24/08/09
124 SPICOSA Guadiana River Estuary, S.Iberia, Portugal/Spain Border 2007-2011 28/07/09
125 SPICOSA Barcelona Waterfront, Northwestern Mediterranean, Catalunya, Spain 2007-2011 24/08/09
126 SPICOSA Thau Lagoon (Etang de Thau), Southern French Mediterranean 2007-2011 24/08/09
127 SPICOSA Venice Lagoon System, Italy 2007-2011 19/08/09
128 SPICOSA The Oder Estuary 2007-2011 16/08/07
129 SPICOSA Danube Delta 2007-2011 21/09/09
130 ECOOP ECOOP - European Coastal Sea Operational Observing and Forecasting System 2007-2010 22/06/11
131 Coastal Schools - Internet-based information on coasts, seas and more 2007-2009 15/02/17
132 CONSCIENCE Concept and Science for Coastal Erosion Management 2007- 08/02/08
133 Aquamoney Development and Testing of Practical Guidelines for the Assessment of Environmental and Resource Costs and Benefits in the WFD 2006-2009 06/08/07
134 ENCORA European Platform for Coastal Research 2006-2009 23/01/08
135 ETN-R Program for European Terrestrial Network for River Discharge 2006-2008 15/02/06
136 CoPraNet Hesketh Outmarsh Managed Realignment 2006-2008 21/12/06
137 PlanCoast PlanCoast 2006-2008 17/10/06
138 EVAGULF Protection of aquatic communities in the Gulf of Finland: risk-based policymaking 2006-2007 29/05/07
139 Wer, Wie, Watt? 2006-2007 15/02/17
140 Awareness Building of the Effects of Climate Change for Coastal Residents and Tourists 2006-2006 15/02/17
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